
conversation piece 1.一種有情節的人物畫。2.可作話題的東西,題材。

conversation pit

Of peace through music “ , is still resounding in the ears of all those who attended and continues to be a hot conversation piece among many people , who cannot stop discussing their experience at this memorable event . even the national vice president of st . jude children s research hospital in tennessee , jerry chipman , said he had heard many great things about the concert and the wonderful contribution of supreme master ching hai to the children . not only did audience members enjoy the grandness of the event , they were deeply touched by master s love , grace and generous contribution to the two children s charities , saint jude children s research hospital and starlight children s foundation 國洛杉磯和平之音-四海一心慈善音樂會的旋律至今依然在每一位觀眾的耳際回響著,這個難忘的盛會一直是大眾的熱門話題,很多人一再地談論當時的情景,甚至連在田納西圣裘迪兒童醫院的全國副總杰理伽普曼也說他聽到了很多有關那場音樂會的佳評以及清海無上師對兒童的貢獻,大家不僅欣賞了音樂會的盛況,也被師父對圣裘迪兒童醫院和星光兒童基金會的仁慈愛心和慷慨捐贈所感動。

The chorus of birdsong here is delightful , and this is where you can find traditional carved cages and accessories that make great souvenirs and conversation pieces 那里的雀鳥品種數以百計,鳥籠飼料等應有盡有,無論是選購紀念品,又或與店主閑聊,均樂趣無窮。

Above the mantelpiece hung a charming 18th century conversation piece by an unknown artist 壁爐上方掛著一幅迷人的、不知由哪個藝術家所作的18世紀人物風俗畫。

One of the best-known russian painters was commissioned by his government to do a conversation piece of the conference . 俄國一位最著名的畫家,受他的政府的委托,將這次會議中的會談實況繪成一幅圖畫。